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Get fired up! This dryland curling game is a lot of fun!

From:Amphenol Author:Admin Clicks:2659 times PubDate:2022/5/7

    Amphenol held dryland curling competitions in batches and time slots on the afternoons of April 27-28 and May 6-7, 2022.

    With the cheers coming from the activity site, the dryland curling activity was officially kicked off. From the moment the first curler slid out, everyone's emotions were mobilized, and with the shouts of "go a little more, go a little more" and "stop, stop", everyone went back and forth, "curlers "You squeeze me to touch, the atmosphere on the field, sometimes cheer, sometimes encourage, the scene is hot.
    We have expressed our happiness and friendship in sports, enhanced the centripetal force and cohesion, and showed AST people's tenacity and hard work, and continue to strive to move forward!