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AST won the title of "2023 Human Resources Management Excellence Award - Outstanding Employer"

From:Amphenol Author:Admin Clicks:1937 times PubDate:2023/3/9

Recently, China's leading human resources service provider 51job unveiled the list of "2023 Outstanding Human Resources Management Award - Outstanding Employers", and AST won this award.


The award is recognition of AST's talent management, corporate culture and corporate strength. Based on the actual operation and development, AST has continuously improved the talent cultivation mechanism, carried out systematic training to help employees improve their strength and encourage employees to learn and innovate. AST has been actively building a hot spot for talent development and a home for employees and partners.


In the future, AST will not forget its original intention, strengthen its confidence, continue to promote the innovation of talent management system, continue to promote the steady development of enterprises, and make positive contributions to social development.