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2012-11-21 AST Month of “Intellectual Property & Innovation”—The Practical Invention Contest&HBR

From:Amphenol Author:Amphenol Clicks:11591 times PubDate:2012/11/21
          After AST Day of Intellectual Property & Innovation, on November 21st, 2012 ,the fifth round “The Practical Invention Contest” was host ceremoniously in the group active preparation, and got a complete success.
          With excellent PPT presentation and vivid interpretation of each team ,the amazing inventions was showed. The ideas were from our life or work .After the fifth round, there was a additional one as the theme of sharing one of articles from Harvard Business Review,. It was only one hour to prepare the PPT which was requested strictly and shared to the overall, As more than half of the 10 articles were English, which was the test of all the team’s cooperation ability and English level, also thought-provoking round.
          With AST Month of Intellectual Property & Innovation going forward constantly, we have the exclamation for colleagues amazing invention idea and the belief in keeping learning, also, we are still full of looking forward to the arrival of the next innovation activities …
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