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Amphenol AssembleTech has been awarded "Diamond Awards" prize four years in succession

From:Amphenol Author:Amphenol Clicks:14415 times PubDate:2010/3/18
So far, Amphenol AssembleTech has been awarded "Diamond Awards" prize four years in succession. Diamond Awards is one of the specific and heavyweight awards for Amphenol Corp., it is awarded to the outstanding division who has contributed more than 50% ROI per year.

Thanks all Amphenol AssembleTech (AST) 's employees' concerted efforts made over the five years, AST has undergone a great change and received the remarkable advances. We are so proud of how this AST team worked together to over come the day to day chanllenges that we faced. And now, not only are we become the one of focused enterprises in Xiamen city, but to be the one of great stars in Amphenol Corp. We are very excited and take great pride to get this kind of recognition and reward by the Corp. and shareholders, because not only our employees could get much better welfare and benefits to enjoy our lifes, but and more importantly, we boost our Chinese people's morale.

2010 is the year of the Tiger. We are confident that this "Tiger Team" will continue to work together and be very successful in 2010!

Let's work together to welcome the new challenges and the new brilliance! Let's make the difference all the time. We believe that this " UNION " will take us very far! Because "Together We Win"
