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2013-08-08 AST Kid’s Day in 2013

From:Amphenol Author:Admin Clicks:12086 times PubDate:2013/8/8
      For providing our kids a bright day with Amphenol in summer holiday, On August 8h,2013,we organized an activity called "Kid's Day" which included various activities and games as usual.

After the simple introduction, kids were led by HR staff to visite the AST second DIY innovation exhibition, and then returned to training room for rich and colorful activities and games, they all spent a happy morning here and enjoyed the delicious lunch. After lunch, the parents and the children took part in all kinds of interesting games, and then they visited the company with Mickey and Minnie acted by AST guys, and in the GM’s office, our GM Alan gave out candies to kids, and had a good interaction and took picture with them.

We hope that all kids would have a fun day here and have a more and more wonderful life, best wishes for them !