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2021 Amphenol Group Fun Sports "Have fun in it" Fun Competition

From:Amphenol Author:Admin Clicks:2517times PubTime:2021/12/7 0:00
In 2021, the fun competition of Amphenol group fun sports "Have fun in it" officially kicked off, because during the epidemic period, Amphenol implemented the batch competition system, and the morning and evening classes of buildings A, B and C were held separately.
Every student and every team participating in the competition are touching the hearts of people in the venue. Everyone cheered and shouted for each other, and the atmosphere at the scene was warm and lively. This is not only a competition of wisdom and physical strength, but also a perfect competition of unity and cooperation. The tacit cooperation of employees makes the competition scene more interesting. Enhance the team spirit and cooperation ability of employees, enhance the team cohesion and collective sense of honor, and create a harmonious cultural atmosphere of AST.