2012-05-13 Amphenol Family Day on the beach
From:Amphenol Author:Amphenol Clicks:12097times PubTime:2012/5/13 0:00
On May 13th,it was Mother’s Day,we hold the family activities on the beach near the commercial playground named YeFengZhai..More than 1000 staffs and some family members enjoyed it very much
There were traditional tug-of-war competitions ,parent-child activities and some funny games such as Time Train,Spaning Trap,Relay,Heaping sand etc.Our staffs and families all had a good time for teamwork ,relaxing themselves and enjoying with their families.At last,children all got the equisite gifts ,and the winners also got the reward happily
kindly,Amphenol Family Day had a happy and perfect ending . And we wish all mothers have a nice day and a blissful family sincerely.