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April 21, 2024|Spring Outdoor Activities

From:Amphenol Author:Admin Clicks:700times PubTime:2024/4/21 0:00

As the footsteps of spring quietly approach, UAST held a unique outdoor spring outing called "Packing Spring into a Bottle". The event took place on April 21, 2024, in the picturesque Zhonglun Park.

The first part of the event was "Searching for Spring", where friends and colleagues ventured into every corner of the park to observe the tender green buds, blooming flowers, and the vibrant signs of spring, tracing the footsteps of the season. The natural elements collected were used for the next part of the activity – DIY crafts. Everyone placed these elements of spring into bottles, creating a variety of colorful and creative springtime souvenirs. With the completion of the DIY crafts, the event moved on to the "Talking About Spring" segment. This included a series of interactive games and picnic photo sessions, making it an unforgettable spring day.

Let us look forward to the next exciting event from UAST, continuing to seek the beauty of life through the cycle of the seasons.