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20210129 Congratulation to AST win Six Great Division Awards

From:Amphenol Author:HR&Admin Clicks:5142times PubTime:2021/1/29 0:00
The AISS 2021 Kick-Off Meeting just ended in this AM, AST got six great Division Awards, they are attached and below shown: 
•  Division Sales Achievement
•  Division Highest Operating Income Increase
•  Division Highest Return On Sales
•  Another Consecutive YOY Growth
•  Amphenol Collaboration
•  Protecting Our People Award COVID-19
    To be one of AST families, we should be proud of our achievements and efforts very much so. These great awards are not only the inspiration and recognition, even more the expectation and trust to us. Congratulations! 

    Y2020 is a special year and you will always be remembered as a special cohort to make a special result happened. Y2021, a new fresh start, we need and trust we can make the further progresses and differences under the joint efforts of all of us. TOGETHER WE WIN !

   2021, Blaze Trails & Break Paths !