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Fire Drill in the first half of FY2022

From:Amphenol Author:Admin Clicks:3003times PubTime:2022/5/19 0:00
    In order to improve the company's awareness of safety precautions and enhance the ability of all employees to cope with emergencies and escape, the first half of the fire drill was arranged for all employees in the Siming plant by shift and batch in the afternoon of May 18.
    With an alarm sounded, all employees ran to the designated place in orderly manner according to the prescribed route and quickly counted the number of people. During the whole evacuation process, the organization was strict and coordinated, and everyone did his or her part.
    After the fire drill, the chief director Nancy Huang made a summary speech about the evacuation and fire drill, comparing with last year's drill, summarizing the effect of the drill and lessons learned, and declaring the drill a complete success. At the same time, it improved everyone's ability to rescue themselves and evacuate in an emergency.