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Joyful childhood "Everyone can be a child" fun breakout team competition

From:Amphenol Author:Admin Clicks:2267times PubTime:2022/7/8 0:00

AST brings a joyful childhood "Everyone can be a child" fun breakout team competition to regain the childlike interest with you!

Look at how happy the AST kids were! Not only were there a variety of childhood games leaving endless memories, but there were also surprise lottery drawing for all the staff on the spot. The scene were full of laughter and joy.

The fastest result of the competition reached 41.15 seconds. Before the game, everyone practiced unremittingly, every second must be competed, and the team was united and worked together during the game to continuously break through!

The wonderful performance of all the participating teams perfectly explained the super teamwork spirit and collective sense of honor of the AST people! AST people are all masters!